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I started a blog!

Hello and welcome!

Thank you so much for being here, really! Without you and your support this little business of mine would be nothing but a distant dream, so stay a while and let me know if I can help with any projects you have in mind!

First things first- I’m not a writer. I muscled my way through any university paper, and I tend to keep my Instagram captions to an absolute minimum. Who do I think I am starting a blog??!!! I rarely even read other peoples blogs- I find myself skimming the words to look at the photos or to find something specific. The truth is, I find it difficult to organize my thoughts into useful information for anyone who may be reading. I envy those who are able to put their thoughts on paper in a way that makes you feel like they’re standing right in front of you- so fluid and honest.

Having said that, this blog is not going to be a collection of my rambly thoughts- it’s a space for me to showcase the work I’ve done for my valued clients, and to serve as inspiration for you.

Enjoy the ride, and please know I’m so grateful you’re here!

- Emma

Emma having a coffee in the studio
Photo: Amanda Urbanski Creative Photography